Independence Day India Wishes | 15 August 2021 Messages

Happy Independence Day India 2021 wishes with best messages to share on Facebook, Whatsapp with Friends, Family members. 15 August 2021 wishes with pics and photos available here. On this day we celebrate our country's pride, virtues, cultural richness, diversity, and history and pay homage to the sacrifices made by the freedom fighters. The day reminds the country’s citizens of all the sacrifices our freedom fighters made to secure India’s future.

Happy Independence Day India 2021 Wishes

  1. This Independence Day let’s take a pledge to protect the peace and unity of our great nation. Happy Independence Day!
  2. May you enjoy this freedom of speech, freedom of thoughts, and freedom of choice for the rest of your life. Happy Independence Day to you!
  3. My love for my nation is boundless. My love for my people is endless. All I desire for my country is happiness. Let me be the first person to wish you a special Happy Independence Day!
  4. Freedom was taken by the blood that was given. Thousands of people laid down their dear lives for our country to breathe this day, we should never forget their sacrifice. Happy Independence Day.
  5. Happy Independence Day! We are blessed to have a right to speak and to be heard. Right several brave souls fought for. Let’s take a moment to think of their sacrifice and what they had to pay for the freedom we enjoy.
  6. Freedom does not come without a price, neither did ours. Never forget the bloodshed and brutality that this great nation has endured in the past. Happy Independence Day!
  7. Let’s salute the martyrs for the sacrifices they made and thank them for giving us our freedom. Happy Independence Day 2021
  8. Today is a day to feel proud about being a part of this great nation. May this spirit of freedom leads us all to success and glory in life. Happy Independence Day!
  9. No caste can divide us, no laws can apart us, no colors or creeds can decide our future because we are children of one mother, Happy Independence Day!
  10. To our freedom fighters, to our soldiers, to our heroes of the nation, they are the reason we are still alive, and we will never forget their sacrifice. Happy Independence Day!

15 August 2021 best messages to share

  1. The future of our country depends upon the actions of today. Let us always be responsible. Happy Independence Day.
  2. Again, it is time for us to show other nations that we are great people from a great nation. And let’s continue our struggle towards the prosperity and betterment of our dear nation. Have a wonderful Independence Day.
  3. Let every patriot be honored; Don’t let politics get in the way. Without them, freedom would have died; What they did, we can’t repay. Happy Independence Day!
  4. Our nation is like a tree of which the original trunk is Swarajya and the branches are Swadeshi and boycott.
  5. Forget not that the grossest crime is to compromise with injustice and wrong. Remember the eternal law: you must give if you want to get
  6. On this special day here’s wishing our dreams of a new tomorrow come true! May your Independence Day be filled with patriotic spirit! Happy Independence Day!
  7. We are blessed to be born in a country that was independent and we must thank our ancestors who made so many sacrifices for it…. Happy Independence Day 2021.
  8. Patriotism is not a badge that you should carry on your shoulder. You should carry it in your heart and let your actions speak for it. happy Independence Day!
  9. Today I breathe the air of freedom because of the efforts of our great freedom fighters. happy happy independence day.
  10. Independence is a Precious gift of God. May We Always Remain Independent A Very Happy Independence Day To You.
